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Debouncing vs Throttling in JavaScript: Practical Use Cases

Explore the key differences between debouncing and throttling in JavaScript. Learn how these techniques optimize performance through practical use cases, code examples, and real-world scenarios for search input fields, scroll events, and more.

30th December 2024


15 minute read


Muh. Anique

Debouncing vs Throttling in JavaScript: Practical Use Cases Feature Image


Performance Optimization



Frontend Development

Imagine you're typing away in a search bar, and every keystroke is sending a request to the server. The result? Slowdowns, delays, and unnecessary strain on the server. Or consider when you're resizing a window—if your app tries to calculate every pixel change, performance could drop significantly.

In JavaScript, this is where two powerful techniques—debouncing and throttling—come into play. While they both aim to control the frequency of function executions in response to events like scroll, resize, or keypress, they serve different purposes and should be applied depending on the use case. Understanding the difference can make a significant impact on performance, user experience, and efficiency.

In this article, we will dive into what debouncing and throttling are, how they work.

What is Debouncing?

Debouncing is a technique used to limit the number of times a function is executed. It ensures that a function is only triggered after a specified amount of time has passed since the last event. This is particularly useful for cases like search input fields or form validation, where you want to avoid firing an action for every single keystroke, but only after the user has stopped typing for a short period.

How Does Debouncing Work?

When an event is triggered (e.g., typing in an input field), a timer starts. If the event is triggered again before the timer expires, the previous one is cleared, and the timer resets. This continues until the user stops triggering the event for the specified time, and then the function is executed.

Let's create a simple example of debouncing a search input field:


In this example:

  • The `debounce` function accepts a callback (`fetchSearchResults`) and a delay.

  • Every time the user types, the previous call to `fetchSearchResults` is canceled, and a new one is scheduled. The function only executes after the user stops typing for 500 milliseconds.

Use Cases for Debouncing

Here is a list of common use cases where debouncing can significantly improve performance and user experience:

  1. 1. Search Autocomplete: When implementing search features where suggestions are fetched from an API, you don’t want to make a request for every key pressed.
  2. 2. Form Validation: Debouncing can ensure validation doesn’t occur until a user stops typing in a field, reducing unnecessary checks.
  3. 3. Window Resize Events: Debouncing can be used to handle window resizing events where you want to trigger a recalculation only once after the user has finished resizing.

What is Throttling?

Throttling, on the other hand, is the technique used to ensure that a function is called at most once in a specified period, regardless of how many times the event is triggered. Throttling is particularly useful when you need to limit the frequency of actions like scrolling or resizing, but unlike debouncing, it executes the function at regular intervals rather than waiting for the event to stop.

How Does Throttling Work?

When an event is triggered, the throttled function will execute immediately.
Then, it will ignore subsequent triggers until the specified time interval has passed, ensuring that the function runs at most once within the interval.

Let’s throttle the scroll event to log the position of the page at regular intervals:


In this example:

  • The `throttle` function will ensure that `logScrollPosition` runs at most once every 1000 milliseconds (1 second).

  • This prevents the function from being triggered excessively when scrolling, improving performance.

Use Cases for Throttling:

Here is a list of common use cases where throttling can significantly improve performance and user experience:

  1. 1. Scroll Events: When tracking scroll position or lazy loading content as the user scrolls, throttling ensures you don’t perform unnecessary operations.
  2. 2. Resize Events: Throttling helps in handling resizing events where you only want to calculate layout changes periodically instead of on every pixel change.
  3. 3. Mouse Move Events: Throttling mouse move events is useful for performance when performing operations on elements based on mouse position.

Key Differences Between Debouncing and Throttling

Here's a table summarizing the key differences between debouncing and throttling:

Frequency of Execution
Use Case
Executes after the user stops triggering the event for a specified period.
Ideal for actions that should only occur once after the event stops (e.g., search inputs, form validation).
Delays execution until after the last event trigger.
Executes at a fixed interval, regardless of how many times the event is triggered.
Best for actions that need to be limited but called at regular intervals (e.g., scrolling, resizing).
Ensures execution at most once every set period.

When to Use Debouncing vs Throttling?

Here are some guidelines to help you decide which technique to use based on your needs:

Use Debouncing when:

  • You only need the result of an event after the user has finished interacting (e.g., after typing stops, resizing stops).

  • You want to minimize server calls, such as in search autocomplete or form validation.

Use Throttling when:

  • You need continuous feedback but want to limit the frequency of function execution (e.g., tracking scroll position, mouse movement, or resizing events).

  • You want to maintain performance even with continuous event triggers.


Both debouncing and throttling are powerful tools for managing performance in JavaScript applications. By choosing the appropriate technique for your use case, you can ensure that your web application runs smoothly, even when users trigger frequent events. Whether you're building a search input, handling window resizing, or tracking scroll positions, understanding and implementing these strategies can make a significant difference in the overall user experience and performance of your site.


Muhammad Anique

A passionate Full Stack Web Developer with expertise in modern web technologies, including Next.js ,React.js, Node.js , and Express.js.



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